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Journal : Jurnal Zona

Analisis daya dukung daya tampung lingkungan hidup dalam pengelolaan KPHP Kampar Kiri Kabupaten Kampar Provinsi Riau M. Imran Sinaga; Thamrin Thamrin; Yusni Ikhwan Siregar
Jurnal Zona Vol 4, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Pelantar Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52364/jz.v4i1.29


With the development of the concept of utilizing natural resources with a supporting approach and environmental capacity, knowledge of the performance of ecosystem services is needed in planning the management of the Kampar Kir Production Forest Management Unit to ensure the sustainability of ecosystems that produce various ecosystem services needed for human life. This study aims to determine the condition of the carrying capacity and the carrying capacity of the environment in the Kampar Kiri forest management unit and the management block model that is formulated with an ecosystem services approach. This research belongs to naturalistic / qualitative research and the researcher does not treat it with analytical techniques using ArcGIS software. The research was conducted from July to December 2019. The results showed that the condition of the carrying capacity and carrying capacity of the forest area in KPH Kampar Kiri currently provides services for several types of ecosystem services which are considered as services that are relevant to the function of forest areas. Modeling of management blocks with the consideration of the Ecosystem Services approach provides a reference for 2 (two) types of management blocks in primary forests and 5 (five) types of management blocks in production forests. The area of each management block that is structured using an ecosystem services approach gives a different area variation from the existing blocks that are prepared using a natural resource grouping approach. 
Analisis pencemaran antropogenik dan struktur komunitas diatom planktonik sebagai indikator pencemaran perairan di Selat Air Hitam Miduk Tampubolon; Yusni Ikhwan Siregar; Sofyan Husein Siregar
Jurnal Zona Vol 1, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Pelantar Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52364/jz.v1i2.8


The present study aimed at identify population characters pollution source which affect water fertily nitrate, phospate, abundance as well as community structure of planctonic diatomae were measured. Nine sampling station of three location were established a long the Selat Air Hitam water. Appearently domestic activity, marine traffic, sago processing plant and community economic had affected on water fertility  due to effluent water that entered the water. Nitrate analysis showed a range of 187,5 to 262,5 µg/L mean while phospate consentration appear 28,8- 241,2 µg/L, silicate consentration appear 30,4-32,9 µg/L. Plactonic diatomae abundance came up 2400 to 3800 cell/L of nine genera. Biodiversity index of range  (1 kurang dari atau sama dengan H’ kurang dari atau sama dengan 3), while smiliarity index (0,5 kurang dari atau sama dengan E kurang dari atau sama dengan 1) and dominancy index (0,5 kurang dari atau sama dengan Ekurang dari atau sama dengan 1). Those index indicate nthe Selat Air Hitam waters in a medium pressure, however ecosystem condition is stable. Nitrate, phospate and silicate positively and significantly correlated with diatomae abundance ( p kurang dari 0,05). TSS level appeared 18,33 – 45,00 mg/l and BOD berkisar 3,73 – 5,07 mg/l. Regression analysis showed that nitrate and phospate had a mayor affect to diatomae abundance.
Kajian potensi limbah tulang sirip Ikan Tuna (Thunnus Sp) sebagai sumber gelatin dan analisis karakteristiknya Dahlia Dahlia; Rahman Karnila; Yusni Ikhwan Siregar
Jurnal Zona Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Pelantar Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52364/jz.v2i2.24


Gelatin is a protein from the hydrolysis of bone collagen and skin of animals wich are widely used for industrial food and non food. Studies on extraction of gelatin from tuna (Thunnus sp) bone were carried out by soaking in hydrochloric acid solutions of 4%, 6% and 8% for 48 hours respectivelly and extracted with aquadest at 60ºC, 70ºC and 80ºC for 5 hours. The extract was filtered with filtering cloth and the filtrate was oven dried at 55ºC for ± 48 hours until gelatin was formed. The result showed that soaking the bone in 8% hydrochloric acid solutions followed by extraction 80ºC for 5 hours gave the best result with 8,64 yield, isoelectrict point 8,20%, protein contain 93,72%, lipid contain 0,74-1,75%. Gel strengh 257,59 g/bloom gel strengh, viscosity 3,20 cPs, pH 3,98. The results obtained for water contain of 6,97%. Ash countain 2,07%. The colour of gelatin produced from tuna bone showered different with commercial gelatin that is between yellowish brown to whitish yellow. Gelatin made from tuna bone has fishy odor whereas commercial gelatin has neutral odor.
Strategi ruang terbuka hijau pemakaman di Kota Pekanbaru Muhammad Fahrul; Yusni Ikhwan Siregar; Sukendi Sukendi
Jurnal Zona Vol 4, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Pelantar Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52364/jz.v4i1.30


One alternative to overcome the issue of Pekanbaru City Open Space quantity that does not meet the requirements is to reorganize the function and optimization of existing Open Space. A potential open space that has been neglected is cemetery. Cemetery are often ignored because of images related to death, whereas in addition to social functions, there are also ecological and economic functions. One form of cemetery is a public cemetery (TPU) managed by the Pekanbaru City government. Given its potential, a funeral green space strategy is needed. Strategic formulation using SWOT and priority setting using AHP. Inputs needed in the preparation of this strategy are the existing conditions and their compliance with funeral green space guidelines, people's perceptions and preferences.
Pengelolaan usaha tani bayam (Amaranthus tricolor L.) di Kota Pekanbaru Fika Yulia Rachmah; Sukendi Sukendi; Yusni Ikhwan Siregar
Jurnal Zona Vol 4, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Pelantar Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52364/jz.v4i2.20


Spinach (Amaranthus tricolor L.) is a plant whose leaves are usually consumed as vegetables. The purpose of this study is to analyze spinach (A. tricolor L.) farming in an ecological, economic and social perspective and formulate sustainable spinach (A. tricolor L.) farming strategies in Pekanbaru City. The research was conducted in the city of Pekanbaru in May-July 2020. This research was conducted using the survey method to the field to obtain relevant information about the implementation of spinach farming in Pekanbaru City. The results of this study are the area of land for planting spinach in Tampan District covering 3 hectares and in Marpoyan Damai District 3.5 hectares. The type of soil used in Marpoyan Damai and Tampan Districts is humus soil. Soil pH in Marpoyan Damai and Tampan Districts ranges between 5.5-6. The average rainfall in Pekanbaru City is 170.7 with an average length of rainy days 14 days per month and humidity in Pekanbaru City is 70-85%. Overall, in terms of ecology, it is suitable for good habitat for growing spinach. Costs incurred in Marpoyan Damai District are Rp 11,670,000 per hectare while in Tampan District Rp 8,260,000 per hectare. The revenue of spinach farming group in Marpoyan Damai District is Rp. 22,800,000 and in Tampan District is Rp. 17,100,000. The income of spinach farmers in Marpoyan Damai District is Rp11,130,000 and in Tampan District Rp8,840,000. B / C ratio in Marpoyan Damai District is 1.95 and in Tampan District is 2.07. In Marpoyan Damai Subdistrict, spinach farming is carried out by the Farmer Group, namely by Mr. Mudhofir who is 39 years old with high school education. Conflicts between farmers that have occurred are land problems and have been resolved as a family. In Tampan District, spinach farming is carried out by the Baskara Jati Farmer Group, namely by 51-year-old Mr. Topan with junior high school education. Conflicts between farmers that have occurred are differences in understanding and have been resolved as a family. The management of spinach farming in Pekanbaru City has been going well, and there is already an efficiency in planting and it is said to be profitable. Based on this analysis, spinach farming in Pekanbaru City is profitable and feasible to be developed.
Analisis kepadatan bakteri coliform di Sungai Siak (sekitar perumahan sari residence Kota Pekanbaru) Arief Mubyarso; Yusni Ikhwan Siregar; Sofyan Husein Siregar
Jurnal Zona Vol 1, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Pelantar Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52364/jz.v1i2.10


Faecal coliforms are indicative bacteria of fecal contamination. If the bacteria are found in the waters so that the waters has been polluted and can not be used as a source of drinking  water.  The  research  has  been  conducted  from April  to  June  2014  at  Sari Residence Housing which located in Siak riverbanks by using survey method. Densitydata of water coliform bacteria the preliminary test and assertion test in the laboratory according to SNI 2897-2008. Data analysis is using ANOVA statistics and compared with the water quality standards according to the Indonesian Government Regulation No. 82 year 2001 on the Management of Water Quality and Water Pollution ControlClass I and Class II. The results showed that the density of coliform bacteria in the Siak River (around Sari Residence Housing Pekanbaru city) ranged between 11267-15650jml/ 100mL and pass the drinking water quality standards and require special handlingfor the use of water. Siak River water (around Sari Residence Housing Pekanbaru city)not feasible for consumption according to PP 82 year 2001 class I and II on the drinkingwater requirements of 1000 jml/100mL and 5000 jml/100m
Strategi Pengelolaan tempat pemrosesan akhir (TPA ) Sampah Batu Canai di Kelurahan Pematang Reba Indragiri Hulu Amalia Prafitra Harman; Yusni Ikhwan Siregar; Ridwan Manda Putra
Jurnal Zona Vol 4, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Pelantar Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52364/jz.v4i2.21


To solve the waste problem in Indragiri Hulu Regency, the Regency Government built a Landfill (TPA). This waste Landfill (TPA) is located at Jalan Batu Canai, Pematang Reba Village, Rengat Barat District. However, the management of this TPA has experienced various obstacles so that it does not run optimally so it is interesting for further research.This research was conducted in August 2020 at the Batu Canai waste landfill (TPA) using survey methods, literature study and interviews. The type of data used in the form of a combination of quantitative and qualitative research will be described descriptively. The variables of this study include 1.) The existing condition of Batu Canai Waste Landfill (TPA) Pematang Reba Village, 2) The impact of the existence of Batu Canai Final Disposal Site (TPA) of Batu Canai Garbage in Pematang Reba Village on the environment, social and economy according to the perceptions of the community around the TPA , 3) Management strategy of Batu Canai waste landfill  (TPA) Pematang Reba Village. The existing condition of TPA Batu Canai in terms of facilities and infrastructure is quite adequate, although some infrastructure and operational facilities are damaged. From the calculation results, the estimated service life of Batu Canai waste landfill (TPA) is 8 years and 9 months. For the impact of the existence of TPA Batu Canai, according to the community's perception around the TPA, from a socio-economic perspective, their response was positive and from an environmental perspective, their response was negative. Meanwhile, the alternative management strategies for Batu Canai waste landfill were analyzed through SWOT analysis. From the results of the SWOT analysis, it was found that the condition of the TPA was in Quadrant III and the right alternative strategy for managing the Batu Canai Final Processing Site (TPA) in Pematang Reba Village was a WO (Weaknesses-Opportunities) strategy, namely 1) Optimizing the Controlled landfill system, 2) Support Government to establish a special agency for managing TPA, 3) Utilizing good waste processing technology to process organic waste into bio energy, 4) Empowering and fostering communities to establish a Waste Bank. 
Kajian potensi dan pengembangan ekowisata hutan mangrove di bandar Bakau Puteri Tujuh, Kota Dumai, Provinsi Riau Fakhrurrozi Fakhrurrozi; Yusni Ikhwan Siregar; Zulkarnaini Zulkarnaini
Jurnal Zona Vol 2, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Pelantar Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52364/jz.v2i1.16


Mangrove forest area, Bandar Bakau Puteri Tujuh in Dumai City has been developed into the ecotourism forests. Empirical experience as well as issues about Bandar Bakau Puteri Tujuh such as: tourist motivation mangrove ecotourism activity, environmental pollution and is deemed necessary taken a study to the development of potentials. The main purpose of this research is: (1) to analize factor that attract tourist to conduct mangrove ecotourism activity in mangrove forest Bandar Bakau Puteri Tujuh area (2) calculate carrying capacity mangrove forests area (3) to provide sustainable mangrove forestsecotourism in Puteri Tujuh area. Survey on qualitative and descriptive  approachwere done this study.Data were collected in the questionnaire and deep interview method. The research was carried out in August-Oktober 2015. It appeared that: factor attracting tourists to visit included the hospitality with result 91% tourists argues. Characteristics of the are were of suitable for education ecotourism activity and scenery enjoy ecotourism activity. It is suggestedto create sustainable mangrove ecotourism in Bandar BakauPuteriTujuh (1) Which need to developing more ecotourism activity for tourist. 2) Goverment with area organizer must be add to availability and repair facilities ecotourism mangrove activity (3) Need to Dumai City goverment regulations allotment status area and space arrangement plan Bandar BakauPuteriTujuh sphere as ecotourism mangrove area. 4) Hand over construct and specifically training for organizer about ecotourism development in cohesiveness
Mitigasi dampak kebisingan bandara terhadap kehidupan pemukiman sekitar bandara SSK II Pekanbaru Eko Hendi Saputra; Yusni Ikhwan Siregar; Hafidawati Hafidawati
Jurnal Zona Vol 4, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Pelantar Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52364/jz.v4i2.22


This study aims to determine the level of noise caused by flight activities at Sultan Syarif Kasim II Airport Pekanbaru, analyze noise levels that occur due to flight activities at Sultan Syarif Kasim II Airport Pekanbaru and analyze efforts to control the negative impact of airport noise on the living environment of community settlements. around Sultan Syarif Kasim II Airport Pekanbaru. This research uses field observation method, which is making direct observations at the research location by looking at the condition of the location and the suitability of the location which is the sampling point of the study (the noise level boundary at Sultan Syarif Kasim II Airport). Observations were made for 16 hours (Ls) at an interval of 06.00 - 22.00. Measurement of sound pressure level is carried out on holidays (Sunday) and weekdays (Monday), which starts on November 1, November 2, November 8, and November 9, 2020, which is carried out in residential areas around Sultan Syarif Kasim II Airport Pekanbaru, which are spread across 6 measurement points where the measurement of sound pressure level is done in duplicate, namely: Jl. Kaswari (point 1), Jl. Rawa Indah II (Point 2), Jl. Rawa Indah III (Point 3), Jl. Cinnamon (Point 4), Jl. Pahlawan Kerja gg.Pala 49 (Point 5) and Jl. Nur Asiyah (Point 6) The results of the processing of noise measurement data were made of a mapping model using surfer 11 software and to clarify the noise description at the sampling location, the map of the results of surfer 11 software processing was plotted on the airport area map.     Based on the results of measurements of noise levels around Sultan Syarif Kasim II airport, it is known that the location of point 1 (Jl. Rawa Indah II) experienced the highest noise exposure. These results indicate the location of point 1 should receive serious attention for the people who live around the airport, because the impact of airport noise has the potential to negatively affect the lives of residential communities. From the observations, it was also known that the level of noise attenuation was still low, both in terms of trees around the settlement and height, walls and fences were still not effective at reducing noise.         Based on the results of measurements of noise levels around Sultan Syarif Kasim II airport, it is known that the location of point 1 (Jl. Rawa Indah II) experienced the highest noise exposure. These results indicate that the location of point 1 should receive serious attention for the people who live around the airport, because the impact of airport noise has the potential to negatively affect the lives of residential communities. From the observations, it was also known that the level of noise attenuation was still low, both in terms of trees around the settlement and height, walls and fences were still not effective at reducing noise.         From the results of the research that has been done, several mitigation strategies can be formulated to reduce noise levels around Sultan Syarif Kasim II airport. Planting plants in accordance with the needs of controlling or reducing noise in human settlements. Tree categories suitable for planting in residential areas around the airport are: shady trees that can be planted tightly or with lots of leaves that can grow to a height of about 4 - 15 m (such as acacia, mahogany, flamboyant, ironwood or banyan trees, bamboo or cypress)
Strategi pengembangan ekowisata Danau Masjid Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi Irfan Yunus; Zulfan Saam; Yusni Ikhwan Siregar
Jurnal Zona Vol 3, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Pelantar Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52364/jz.v3i1.33


Masjid Lake is one of the Natural Tourism Objects in Riau Province, which is located in Kuantan Singingi Regency. This research is intended to determine the potential condition of the Koto Kari Mosque Lake area and its feasibility to be developed as an ecotourism object, identify and analyze tourist attractions, amenities and accessibility of ecotourism development, analyze the economic impact on ecotourism development, and formulate ecotourism development strategies in the Danau Masjid Regency area. Kuantan Singingi. The research method is a survey method by conducting direct field observations accompanied by interviews with the Kuantan Singingi Regency Government as managers, traditional and religious leaders. Traditional and religious leaders were used as representatives of the community to fill out the questionnaire. Respondents consisted of four traditional leaders and one religious leader, and the sampling was conducted at three station locations in the north, west and east which were seen based on differences in characteristics possessed in the tourist area of the Koto Kari Mosque Lake. To obtain an overview of the strategy to be used, an analysis was carried out with several stages and was guided by the FMU development design model S and the formulation of strategies from the data and information obtained were analyzed using the SWOT method, namely by analyzing internal and external factors owned by the Danau Mesjid Koto area. Curry. The results showed that the suitability of Koto Kari Mosque Lake tourism, at Station 1 which is located in the northern part, is categorized as suitable for all tourism activities, namely fishing (94.12%), camping (86.27%), water games (90.20%). , sit back (91.67%) and outbound (78.43%) this is because this location has a depth of 1-2 m, slope kurang dari 200, clarity lebih dari 80%, calm water, the view seen at this station is a stretch lakes, rice fields and rubber gardens. Whereas Station 2 in the western part has the appropriate conditional criteria for fishing tourism activities (94.12%) and sitting back (90.20%), because this location has a narrow lakeside and the historical building of the Old Koto Kari Mosque and residential housing in the outskirts of the lake, and at station 3 which is located in the eastern part are suitable for outbound activities, sitting back and camping with the percentage of 91.67%, 90.20% and 86.27%, respectively. Based on observations and referring to the opinion of the local community, the lake waters have characteristics that are deep enough to be dangerous for boating and water games. Based on the results of the analysis of the carrying capacity in the Koto Kari Mosque Lake area, it is different at each station location. Station 1 based on the calculation of the Tourism Suitability Index value of this station is very suitable for fishing, camping, water games, sitting back and outbound, while station 2 is very suitable for fishing and sitting back, and at station 3 is suitable for outbound activities, sitting back and camping. . The results of the analysis of area management strategies for ecotourism using SWOT analysis resulted in 9 alternative strategies, but those that can be used as a top priority as a strategic plan for the development of the Koto Kari Mosque Lake tourism area, namely holding cooperation in promoting the Koto Kari Mosque Lake as a natural and sustainable tourism area. its resources, attracting investors for the development of Koto Kari Mosque Lake tourism while still paying attention to the preservation of its resources, as well as coordinating in overcoming problems and threats that exist in the Koto Kari Mosque Lake
Co-Authors ', Arfitrah . Zulfan A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W Ade Yulindra Ade Yulindra Adel Zamri Adelina, Adelina Adiana Sulistianto Afriza, Dinny Afrizal Tanjung Agnesia Jaiyani br Barus Agnesia Ritonga Agung Dhamar Syakti Agus Susanto Ahmad Faisal Daulay Ahmad Kurnain ahmad rizal Alfi Puadi Alimah Alimah Alimah, Alimah Almasdi Syahza Alvin Natali Amalia Prafitra Harman Amelia Nabila Anak Agung Istri Sri Wiadnyani Andrew ST OS Anisaldi Anisaldi Anton Akbar Nugraha Antoni Antoni Antonius ' Aras Mulyadi Aras Mulyadi Aras Mulyadi Aras Mulyadi Arief Mubyarso Aristya Ardhitama Autika, Yotta Azhari, Febbi Bahruddin Bahruddin Bahtiar Denny Edison Barnes Silitonga Bayhakki Bayhakki Bayu Oktavian Bintal Amin Budi Darmawan Cik Mas Edison Dahlia Dahlia Dameria Dameria Daniel Paskah Ginting Dannes M. Khawarizmi Dariono Dariono Dariono, Dariono Debby Febriani Dedi Afandi Defri Yoza Deni Efizon Denny Mulianto Desi Ariani DESI PURNAMA SARI Desis Tri Yenti Devid Joehari Dharma Eka Putra Dilla Andini Doni Apdillah Dr. Nofrizal, S.Pi, M.Si Edy T S Sihombing Effino Panji Sudewo Efriyeldi Efriyeldi Efriyeldi, Efriyeldi Eko Hendi Saputra Eko Sutrisno Eko Sutrisno, Eko Elda Nazriati Elfizar Elfizar Elizal Elizal Elizal, Elizal Endang Agus Damanhuri Erfana Romauli Lumbantoruan Ernanda Putra Dermawan Ernawaty Ernawaty Fabri Putra Nugraha Fadel Fadel Fadli Aulia Fajar Fajar Fajriani Ananda Fakhrurrozi Fakhrurrozi Febriana Zulmi Febrina Hanum Fepi Yulianti Fika Yulia Rachmah Fransiska, Dina Fuad, M Anwar Hadi Sastranegara Hadinoto Hadinoto Hafidawati, Hafidawati Hari Handika Sektiawan Hasdi Yanti HS Helmi Putra Hendra Taufik Henni Elyati Henni Syawal Herli, Irwan Herli, Irwan Hidayat Pratamasari I Gusti Ngurah Antaryama Iesje Lukistyowati Imam Pangestiansyah Putra Imran Imran Indah Novi Yani Indra Fuadi Irfan Yunus irvina Nurachmi Irvina Nurrachmi Irwandy Syofyan Isjoni Isjoni Jhon Edward Jimmy Copriady Johanes Hutagaol Laura Dameshita Silalahi Lilis Kurnia Lilis Kurnia Lita Febriani M. Delpopi M. Imran Sinaga Maliki Maliki Marpauang, EkoRinaldi Maulana Hardi Melia Nurafni Meuthia Pangerani Miduk Tampubolon Mirna Ilza Miswadi Miswadi Mubarak Mubarak Mubarak Mubarak Mubarak Mubarak Muhammad Arif Fahrurozi Muhammad Dinul Islami Muhammad Fahrul Musanif Effendi Musrifin Galib Nafril Yuzen Nawari Nawari Nesi Silvia Situmorang Nofrizal Nofrizal Nofrizal Nofrizal Nofrizal Nofrizal Nofrizal Nofrizal Nofrizal Nofrizal Novi Permata Sari Nugrahani Trie Ryzzky Nurrahmi, Febi Nurul Abdiah Nasution Oktavia Dewi Oktavia Dewi, Oktavia Olfa Riyana Prastya Bayu Afrian Purnama, Indra Dwi Putra Putri Kalbina Ragil Tribhakti Hutomo Rahmadi Rahmadi Rahmadi Rahmadi Rahman Karnila Ramses Ramses Rasoel Hamidy Ridwan Manda Putra Rifardi Rifardi Rifardi Rifardi Rika Kurniawan Rika Kurniawan Rika Kurniawan Rinaldo, Rinaldo Rinaldo, Rinaldo Risna Nofriani Rivaldi Ananda Dwi Putra Roito, Martin Romi Joneri Rommie Jhonerie Ronal Yuriza Fithra Rosyidin, Hidayatul Sania Glory Claudya Sanya Gautami Sayid Zulfahmi Septian Julifar Seung Hun Lee Simon Hasintongan Aritonang Siti Zahrah Siti Zahrah Sofia Anita Sofia Anita Sofia Anita Sofyan Husein Siregar Sri Indarti Sukendi Sukendi Sukendi Sukendi Sukendi Sukendi Susi Sumanti Suwondo Suwondo Syafruddin Nasution Syahril Nedi Syahril Syahril Syahril Syahril Syarwandi David T. Edy Sabli Tengku Nurhidayah Tengku Said Razai Tesya Desi Yana Thamrin ' Thamrin Thamrin Thamrin Thamrin Thamrin Thamrin Thamrin Thamrin Thamrin Thamrin Tulus Gandra Saputra Silaban Tyas Handayani Uju Doi Sibarani Verid Aria Susammesin, Verid Aria Viktor Amrifo Viktor Amrivo Vivi Indriani Vivin Seygita Vivin Seygita, Vivin Wariski, Indra Yanti Dasrita Yanti Dasrita, Yanti Yetti Elfina Yofita Sandra, S.Pd., M.Pd., Zico Farlin, Dr. Budiwirman, M.Pd., Yossie Amanda Yuliza Fitri Yuwanda Ilham Zahtamal Zahtamal Zulfan Saam Zulfan Saam Zulfan Saam Zulfan Saam Zulfan Saam Zulkarnain Zulkarnain Zulkarnaini Zulkarnaini ZULKIFLI ZULKIFLI Zulkifli Zulkifli Zulkifli Zulkifli